Books and wishing wells

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Book events provide a treasure trove of literary treats. This week, you are introduced to a wide range of genres through brief conversations with over a dozen authors at the California Capital Book Festival.

Also, we visit Great Basin National Park in Nevada.


Jokes and towers

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Just jokes from random folks.

Also, we visit the Devil’s Tower National Monument in Wyoming.


Comics and Olmstead

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Have you succumbed to the allure of comic books? Whether you’re a newbie or a long-time fan, this fun discussion with Shane Holden, Sierra O’Loughlin and Ethan Weeks of Metropolis Comix will surely make you want to chime in.

And, we visit the Frederick Law Olmstead National Historic Site in Brookline, Massachusetts.


Convictions and whiskey

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Is your state one of the 38 states that requires an arrest at a domestic violence scene? Do you know the best law enforcement protocol to raise the percentage of convictions and jail time of the domestic violence perpetrator? Approaching domestic violence from a law enforcement angle, Eric L. Nelson, Ph.D., M.S., M.A., Forensic & Best Practices Criminologist, shares six actions every police officer should take each time he or she investigates a domestic violence crime. Nelson says they triple rates of prosecution and double rates of criminal conviction.

And, we visit Maryland’s Catoctin Mountain Park.


Challenges and wilderness

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The first time I tried snow skiing, I was in high school. I stood at the base of the bunny hill and watched a fellow student with one leg jump up on a ski lift, ride up to the top of the mountain, and race down to the bottom. I thought, “Man, I’m nervous about skiing and I’ve got two legs.” So, up I went, and made it to the bottom without falling.

Laurie Hoirup, President of the Association of California State Employees with Disabilities and author of “I Can Dance; My Life With A Disability” has a form of muscular dystrophy, but it hasn’t stopped her from camping, dancing, raising children and heading up high profile agencies.

Also, we celebrate The Wilderness Act.
